Secure Benefits & Stabilize Your Life
When you have a physical health problem, people can understand the challenges you face. When you have a mental illness like bipolar disorder, others may not recognize just how difficult it is for you to function in your everyday life.
Depending on your symptoms, you could have trouble getting out of bed in the morning. You want to run errands, enjoy your favorite hobbies and go to work, but your bipolar disorder has different plans.
On top of dealing with your disorder and the stigma surrounding it, you’re worried about how you’re going to pay your bills. You can’t work, and you can’t keep up with your expenses.
Help is here.
Social Security Disability benefits provide monthly income—and with it a greater sense of peace, so you can focus on your well-being.
The Morgan Law Firm, serving South Bend and people across Indiana and Michiana, can help you get benefits. If you’ve already been denied once—like many applicants are—we can help you appeal the decision.
You can start your appeals process by getting a FREE EVALUATION from our firm.
Social Security Disability is all we do.
Bipolar Disorder Symptoms that Can Qualify for Disability
While your bipolar disorder affects you in many ways, you can’t just tell the Social Security Administration that. They require proof.
Not only that: You have to show that your symptoms are so severe that you couldn’t work for at least a year.
You know you have bipolar because you experience symptoms like extreme mood swings. Sometimes you feel high and euphoric. Other times, you feel so sad that you can’t function.
When appealing your denial of Social Security Disability for bipolar, you have to prove that you’ve experienced debilitating forms of symptoms like these:
- Insomnia
- Racing thoughts
- Distractibility
- Increase in agitation
- Increase in energy
- Indecisiveness
- Sleeping too much
- Loss of pleasure
- Contemplating suicide
- Depression
- Inability to concentrate
In all, an estimated 2.8% of all adults in the United States have bipolar disorder.
The Morgan Law Firm has helped people throughout Indiana and Michigan appeal their Social Security Disability denials and successfully show Social Security why they need benefits, with bipolar and many other impairments. We’ve helped thousands of people.
Let us help you appeal your denial and gain financial security.
How Can I Win Social Security Disability Benefits for My Bipolar Disorder?
To confirm your diagnosis of bipolar disorder, your symptoms and your inability to work, you will need to submit evidence.
This could include:
- Proof of your bipolar diagnosis
- Records of your hospitalizations
- Testimonials from your mental healthcare providers
- Records of your sessions with a therapist
You’ve been through the Social Security Disability applications process once, and you aren’t looking forward to doing it over…especially when you know you could be denied a second time.
It takes a lot of time and energy to gather all your proof and fill out all those forms.
But you don’t have to do it all on your own. You can contact the The Morgan Law Firm disability law firm for help getting Social Security Disability benefits approval.
You can secure your benefits and also get some peace of mind that you’ll be able to pay your bills.
That could do wonders for you.
Don’t wait.